
WeChat Testing New 'Pin to Top' Feature in Moments!

GICexpat team GICexpat 2023-06-12


WeChat Moments is an important platform for users to share their daily lives and showcase their personalities, as well as an important channel for users to interact and communicate with friends. However, due to the timeline mechanism of Moments, the content that users post often gets buried in a sea of information over time, resulting in some wonderful content not receiving enough attention and appreciation.

To solve this problem, WeChat recently tested a new feature in Moments - the "Pin to Top" function. Some netizens have reported that their WeChat Moments already support this function, and the pinned Moments will be displayed at the top of their personal Moments page for a long time.

The news has sparked widespread discussion among netizens. Some think it's a great new feature, while others hope that WeChat can cancel the compression of original pictures and videos, support live or GIF images, allow editing of previously posted content, cancel notifications for mutual friends' likes and comments, and remove the limit of 9 photos per post, etc.

It is very simple to use the "Pin to Top" function. 

Users only need to click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the Moment they want to pin, and select the "Pin to Top" option. The pinned Moment will be marked with a small icon for easy identification. If users want to unpin it, they can follow the same steps and select "Unpin from Top".

Of course, this feature is currently in the testing phase and only a small number of users with WeChat version 8.0.34 have access to it. The launch of the "Pin to Top" function undoubtedly provides users with a better opportunity to showcase themselves, attract attention, and increase interaction. Users can pin their most satisfying, meaningful, and valuable content to the top of their Moments page, allowing more friends to see their wonderful content and give feedback and praise. 

At the same time, this also helps to increase user stickiness and activity on WeChat Moments, enhancing the attractiveness and competitiveness of WeChat's social ecosystem.

Currently, WeChat has not announced the official launch time and scope of the "Pin to Top" function.


Editor: CH


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