
会议信息 | 2023年6月截稿的密码学与信息安全会议整理


【CSF 2024】@Enschede,  Netherlands

37th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium 

Spring cycle

  • Paper submission: May 15, 2023

  • Author notification: July 6, 2023

  • Conference: July 8-12, 2024

  • CCF: B


【SAC 2023】@Fredericton, Canada

30th edition of Selected Areas in Cryptography

  • Submission deadline: May 16, 2023

  • Notification: July 3, 2023

  • SAC Summer School: August 14-15, 2023

  • Conference: August 16-18, 2023

  • CCF: C


【PlatCon 2023】@Busan, Korea

7th International Conference on Platform Technology and Service

  • Paper Submission Due: May 19, 2023

  • Authors Notification: June 16, 2023

  • Camera-Ready Paper Due: July 19, 2023

  • Author Registration Due: July 19, 2023

  • Conference Dates: August 16-18, 2023


【Asiacrypt 2023】@Guangzhou, China

International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security

  • Paper Submission: May 26, 2023

  • First round notification: July 20, 2023

  • Final notification: August 25, 2023

  • Conference: December 4-8, 2023

  • CCF: B


【FDTC 2023】@Prague, Czech Republic
20th Workshop on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography
  • Submission deadline: June 1, 2023

  • Notification of final acceptance: July 31, 2023

  • Final version deadline: August 11, 2023

  • Workshop: September 10, 2023


【FSE 2024】@Leuven, Belgium

Fast Software Encryption 

Volume 2023, Issue 3

  • Submission: June 1, 2023

  • Rebuttal: July 4-7, 2023

  • Decision: August 1, 2023

  • Camera-ready deadline: August 28, 2023

  • Conference: March 25-29, 2024

  • CCF: B


【Latincrypt 2023】@Sangolquí, Ecuador
International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin America
  • Submission Deadline: June 2, 2023

  • Notification of Acceptance: July 15, 2023

  • Conference: October 2-6, 2023


【SecDev 2023】@Atlanta, USA

IEEE Secure Development Conference

  • Paper submission deadline: June 2, 2023

  • Author notification: August 4, 2023

  • Camera-ready: September 8, 2023

  • Conference: October 18-20, 2023


【AIBC 2023】@Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan

4th International Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Conference

  • Submission Deadline: June 5, 2023

  • Acceptance Notification Date: July 5, 2023

  • Registration Deadline: July 25, 2023

  • Conference: October 27-29, 2023


【GameSec 2023】@Avignon, France

14th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security

  • Submission: June 6, 2023

  • Decision notification: August 21, 2023

  • Camera-ready: September 18, 2023

  • Conference: October 18-20, 2023


【USENIX Security 2024】@Philadelphia, USA

33rd USENIX Security Symposium 

Summer Deadline

  • Paper submissions due: June 6, 2023

  • Early reject notification: July 13, 2023

  • Rebuttal Period: August 21-23, 2023

  • Notification to authors: September 1, 2023

  • Final paper files due: October 10, 2023

  • Conference: August 14-16, 2024

  • CCF: A


【APSIPA ASC 2023】@Taipei, China

Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference

  • Submission Deadline: June 7, 2023

  • Notification of Paper Acceptance: July 19, 2023

  • Conference: October 31-November 3, 2023


【EuroUSEC 2023】@Copenhagen, Denmark

European Symposium on Usable Security

  • Paper submission deadline: June 9, 2023

  • Notification: July 10, 2023

  • Camera ready: August 14, 2023

  • Conference: October 16-17, 2023


【CNS 2023】@Orlando, USA

11th annual IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security

  • Submission Deadline: June 12, 2023

  • Notification of Paper Acceptance: August 11, 2023

  • Final Paper Submission: August 25, 2023

  • Conference: October 2-5, 2023


【SECURWARE 2023】@Porto, Portugal

17th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies

  • Submission: June 13, 2023

  • Notification: August 1, 2023

  • Registration: August 15, 2023

  • Camera ready: August 25, 2023

  • Conference: September 25-29, 2023


【CENet 2023】@Ji'nan, China

13th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks

  • Paper submission deadline: June 13, 2023

  • Acceptance Notification: June 30, 2023

  • Registration deadline: July 14, 2023

  • Camera-Ready Paper Due: July 28, 2023

  • Conference: November 3-5, 2023


【AVSS 2023】@Daegu, Korea

19th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance

  • Submission Deadline: June 14, 2023

  • Author Notification: August 15, 2023

  • Conference: November 7-9, 2023


【EISA 2023】@Hangzhou, China

4th International Conference on Emerging Information Security and Applications

First Round

  • Submission Deadline: June 15, 2023

  • Acceptance Notification: July 30, 2023

  • Camera Ready: October 30, 2023

  • Conference: December 9-10, 2023


【ML4CS 2023】@Nadi, Fiji

5th International Conference on Machine Learning for Cyber Security

  • Paper Submission: June 15, 2023

  • Author Notification: July 15, 2023

  • Camera-ready Paper Due: September 3, 2023

  • Conference: December 2-4, 2023


【AFT 2023】@Princeton, USA

5th international conference on Advances in Financial Technologies

  • Paper submission deadline: June 15, 2023

  • Author notification: July 28, 2023

  • Conference: October 23-25, 2023


【DPM 2023】

18th DPM International Workshop on Data Privacy Management

  • Deadline: June 16, 2023

  • Notifications: July 18, 2023

  • Camera Ready: September 18, 2023


【SSS 2023】@Jersey City, USA

25th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems

  • Paper Submission: June 18, 2023

  • Acceptance Notification: July 23, 2023

  • Camera-Ready Copy Due: August 1, 2023

  • Conference: October 2-4, 2023



【IOTSMS 2023】@San Antonio, USA

10th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security

  • Submission Date: June 20, 2023

  • Notification to Authors: September 5, 2023

  • Camera Ready and Registration: September 25, 2023

  • Conference: October 23-25, 2023


【NDSS 2024】@San Diego, USA

The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium

Fall Review Cycle

  • Paper submission deadline: June 28, 2023

  • Author rebuttal: September 6, 2023

  • Author notification: September 13, 2023

  • Camera Ready deadline: November 29, 2023

  • Conference: February 26-March 1, 2024

  • CCF: A


【IMACC 2023】@Essex, UK

19th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding

  • Submission Deadline: June 28, 2023

  • Author Notification: September 6, 2023

  • Proceedings Version Deadline: September 20, 2023

  • Conference: December 12-14, 2023


【FDSE 2023】@Da Nang, Vietnam

10th International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering

First Round

  • Full Paper Submission: June 30, 2023

  • Notification: August 25, 2023

  • Registration: September 09, 2023

  • Camera-Ready: September 09, 2023

  • Conference: November 22-24, 2023


【VizSec 2023】@Melbourne, Australia

20th IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security

  • Submission deadline: June 30, 2023

  • Author notifications: July 21, 2023

  • Camera ready: August 8, 2023

  • Conference: October 25, 2023


【WIFS 2023】@Nuremberg, Germany

15th IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security

  • Paper submission: June 30, 2023

  • Rebuttal deadline: September 8, 2023

  • Acceptance notification: September 15, 2023

  • Camera-ready submission: September 29, 2023

  • Conference: December 4-7, 2023


【SPNCE 2023】@Guangzhou, China

6th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in New Computing Environments

  • Paper Submission deadline: June 30, 2023

  • Notification deadline: August 31, 2023

  • Camera-ready deadline: September 30, 2023

  • Conference: November 25-26, 2023


本文来源 数缘信安社区 作者 刘梦迪



2.笔记分享 | 冯登国院士MPC讲座(3)——基于混淆电路方法的安全多方计算协议3.技术分享 | 隐私集合求交(PSI)技术体系整理4.论文分享 | Endemic Oblivious Transfer via Random Oracles, Revisited


