
【展览】艺术家谱系研究之十二「陆平原:画廊一夜 One Night at a Gallery」

SSSSTART 2023-06-22




《画廊一夜》将展出五部新近制作的MG叙事动画及全新尝试的栏杆雕塑。影片中陆平原挪用了《画廊一夜》中的两个典型形象——“帽子”和“棒子”,题材从“如何自我审视”到“如何获得赞美”,用催眠般的宣传口吻,让人隔绝于 “自我”且“安全”的超现实语境之中。


How to Win Acclaim, 2022, video, 1'26''

《画廊一夜》,1978年,静帧One Night at a Gallery, 1978, still image

Start Museum will present the twelfth exhibition of Genealogy Study of Artists Lu Pingyuan: One Night at a Gallery at SSSSTART on 2022 September 23th.

Focusing on the definition, production and circulation of art, Lu Pingyuan’s artistic practice involves art history, popular culture as well as his personal experience. His practice begins with a unique form - “story”, together with the mediums of text, video, painting, sculpture and installation. Using a fictional approach, these “stories” give art a broader relevance to the reality. Then in the integrated project scene, Lu combines surreal narratives with conceptual art to create a vast fantasy world parallel to reality. Together, they reveal the spiritual dilemmas of contemporary humanity and rediscover the potential of people’s spiritual connection to all creations.

The title of this exhibition is derived from an animation work of Shanghai Animation Film Studio, One Night at a Gallery, 1978. The animation personated the relationship between the institution and art at the time, in which the art works collaborated and autonomised themselves to counteract the effects of an established standard. It is also reminiscent of the Stars Exhibition, an art event that took place the following year. The First Stars Exhibition was held spontaneously on the steel fences outside the National Art Museum of China, and the second was held in the museum. For Lu, the binary narratives on both sides of the fences have long been eliminated, instead there is the inertia of personal psychological construction, as well as the anxiety of facing a complex reality. As an artist today, Lu has keenly captured this reality, poetising and personalising the fences, a universal but useless public facility, in order to reflect a more complex and contradictory world.

One Night at a Gallery will present five newly produced motion graphics and a new series of sculptures, which consist of fence. The videos appropriates two iconic images from the 1978 animation One Night at a Gallery - Mr. “Hat” and Mr. “Stick”. With the subject matter ranging from “how to do self-examination” to “how to win acclaim”, the videos use a hypnotic propaganda tone to isolate people in a surreal context of “self” and “safety”.

《如何在夜晚发光》,2022年,视频,1’32”How to Glow at Night , 2022, video, 1’32”


LU Pingyuan


他的作品已在国内外广泛展出,参加的展览包括,个展:“第一个艺术家”,没顶画廊,上海,中国,2021;“有情世界”,宝龙美术馆,上海,中国,2020;“科拉”,chi K11美术馆,上海,中国,2019;“成长的烦恼”,没顶画廊,上海,中国,2017;“詹姆斯•斯坦利-第七世德比伯爵”,曼切斯特华人艺术中心,曼切斯特,英国,2016;“河原温”,没顶画廊,上海,中国,2016;“惊奇地发现”,没顶画廊,上海,中国,2015;“胶囊”,Gallery Box,哥德堡,瑞典,2011等;群展:“策展课 II”, OCAT深圳馆,深圳,中国,2020;“降临:发明风景,制作大地”,前哨当代艺术中心,上海,中国,2019;“极限混合 ——2019广州空港双年展”,广州,中国,2019;“敢当:当代神石注疏”,UCCA沙丘美术馆,北戴河,中国,2019;“仙境边缘——泰国双年展2018”,甲米省,泰国,2018;“艺术家在此”,余德耀美术馆,上海,中国,2018;“城市无界”——2018中国·上海静安国际雕塑展”,上海静安雕塑公园,上海,中国,2018;“长征计划:违章建筑三——特区”,长征空间,北京,中国,2018;“*㔷埋儿童节”,Para Site×香港歌德学院,香港,中国,2018;“中国 2185”,赛迪HQ画廊,伦敦,英国,2017;“第十一届上海双年展”,当代艺术博物馆,上海,中国,2016;“第九届利物浦双年展”,利物浦,英国,2016;“无序之美”,卡斯雕塑基金会,英国,2016;“山中美术馆”,四方美术馆,南京,中国,2016;“第三届乌拉尔当代艺术工业双年展”,乌拉尔,俄罗斯,2015;等。陆平原也是第四届三亚艺术季“华宇青年奖”的入围艺术家;第一届保时捷青年艺术家大奖入围艺术家。陆平原的作品提案《树》于2020年入围第三届和第四届纽约High Line Plinth。

Lu Pingyuan was born in 1984 in Zhejiang province, China, lives and works in Shanghai. Lu Pingyuan‘s art- works involves a variety of media, including texts, installations, videos, paintings and others. For a few years, Lu Pingyuan concentrated his practice on the writing of “stories” as a unique type of media for art creation. These short “stories” significantly broaden the artworks’ state of existence in the real world, extend the in- herent spirit of art itself. His works have been exhibited extensively in both national and international muse- ums and biennales.

Recent solo exhibitions include: “The First Artist”, MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai, China, 2021; “Imperishable Affection”, Powerlong Museum, Shanghai, China, 2020; “KOLA”, chi K11 Art Museum, Shanghai, China, 2019; “La Malle aux Trésors”, Mansion de Hermès, Shanghai, China, 2018; “Lost Child”, ONEHOME Art Hotel, Shanghai, China; “HOME ALONe”, MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai, 2017; “Hidden Treasure”, The Galaxy Mu- seum of Contemporary Art, Chongqing, China, 2017; “James Stanley-The Seventh Earl of Derby”, Center for Chinese Contemporary Art, United Kingdom, 2016; “ON KAWARA”, MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai, 2016; “Un- expected Discoveries”, MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai, 2015; “Time Capsule”, Gallery Box, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2011.He participated in numerous group shows among which are “Wild Metropolis”, Powerlong Museum, Shanghai, China, 2019; “Advent: Inventing Landscape, Producing the Earth”, Qianshao Contemporary Art Center, Shanghai, China, 2019; “Extreme Mix-Guangzhou Airport Biennale”, Guangzhou, China, 2019; “Land of the Lustrous”, UCCA Dune, Beidaihe, China, 2019; “Edge of the Wonderland-Thailand Art Biennale”, Krabi, Thailand, 2018; “Artist is Present”, Yuz Museum, Shanghai, China, 2018; “City Unbound- ed-China·Shanghai Jing’an International Sculpture Project”, Jing’an Sculpture Park, Shanghai, China, 2018; “This is Shanghai”, Cunard Building, Liverpool, UK, 2018; “Long March Project: Building Code Violations III - Special Economic Zone”, Long March Space, Beijing, China, 2018; “Arts in Urban Cultures”, Taikoo Li Sanli- tun, Beijing, China, 2018; “*underground-children-festival”, Para Site x Goethe-Institut Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 2018; “Animamix Biennale—Ballade”, Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai, Shanghai, China; “PLAY”, MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai, China; “11th Shanghai Biennale”, Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China, 2016; “9th Liverpool Biennale”, Liverpool, England, 2016; “A Beautiful Disorder”, Cass Sculpture Foundation, England, 2016; “Mountain Sites: Views of Laoshan”, Si Fang Art Museum, Nanjing, China, 2016; “3rd Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art”, Ural, Russia, 2015 etc. Lu Pingyuan was nominated for the 4th Art Sanya “Huayu Youth Award” and the 1st Porsche “Young Chinese Artist of the Year”. Lu Pingyuan’s work proposal, Tree, was shortlisted for the third and fourth High Line Plinth commission in 2020.


SSSSTART® is a site for Start Museum to expand and deepen independent research during the preparation period. The centre  opens to professionals and the public through topical talks, intellectual lectures, archival research and creative exhibitions. Upholding to the founding philosophy of Start Museum, the centre aims to prepare explorational experience and practical foundation for the future establishment of Start Museum, and advances researches in three main directions: Archival Research, Long-table Meeting and Genealogy Study of Artist.

开放时间:周一至周五 10:00am - 6:00pm

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm
Contact: info@startmuseum.com
Visiting tipsReservation is required for visiting the space, please make a reservation 1 day in advance;
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, visitors need to scan place code to enter SSSSTART, health code and PCR Test within 72 hours are also required. Visitors with high body temperature (≥37.3℃) or cough are not allowed to enter the space;
Visitors are required to wear masks during the visit and avoid gathering.

