
HdM 北京 | 马歇尔·雷斯(Martial Raysse)同名个展

HDM画廊 2021-09-26


开幕时间:2020 年 01 月 11 日 (周六) 16:00-18:00

展览时间:2020 年 01 月 11 日 - 03 月 07 日

展览地点:HdM 北京 | 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路 4 号 798 艺术区七星东街

HdM 画廊北京空间荣幸地宣布我们将于 2020 年 1 月 11 日举办法国重要艺术家马歇尔·雷斯(Martial Raysse)的同名个展,届时将展出艺术家自上世纪 80 年代至 2019 年横跨 30 年的 20 余件纸本作品。展览将持续至 2020 年 3 月 7 日。


“世界,就是一场悲喜交加的闹剧”。马歇尔·雷斯如是说。在法国西南部 Begerac 的隐秘乡间,在密林深处的晨钟暮鼓,马歇尔·雷斯仍然能瞭望世界。

2014 年法国蓬皮杜现代艺术中心为时年 78 岁的马歇尔·雷斯举办了 45 周年艺术回顾展,法国《世界报》撰文赞誉,“这是继毕加索之后最会绘画的艺术家”。然而马歇尔·雷斯在 1954 年入读的是尼斯文学院的文学系,1955 年他开始创作大量的诗歌。1960 年,作为新现实主义运动的重要成员,他和伊夫·克莱因(Yves Klein)、阿尔曼(Arman)等人,在一张 100cm×66cm 的稿纸上,写下了《新现实主义宪章宣言》,也由此开辟了法国当代艺术的革命性的篇章。两年后,装置作品《雷斯海滩》(Raysse Beach)成为法国波普艺术的最为经典的作品。日后,他的作品大量涉及装置,拼贴,雕塑,戏剧,公共艺术,实验电影,他在纽约搏得一席之地,却在盛名之时放弃了波普艺术。他决心回到法国但并非巴黎,他将寻找一块乡间土地栖息隐居,他将回到纯粹的绘画中去。“我希望人们忘记我之前的一切,即日起,我是个新人,一个贫穷的新艺术家。”当他去和另一位马歇尔道别,告诉对方自己回到法国的目的,马歇尔·杜尚(Marcel Duchamp)拉开工作室的抽屉,向他展示了自己的秘密工作——绘画。



马歇尔·雷斯,《拉斐尔 Villa Borghese 的临摹》,纸上木炭,40 x32 cm,1988

画布即是内心的剧场, 这些剧场里的人物摆脱了绘画史或是艺术史所定义的存在。无论是他的大型油画还是眼前这些小型素描,都使我们超越时间维度去观看它,他创造人物的面孔,表情,身姿,不断地深化和丰富它,她(他)们数十年来总是飘浮在他的绘画当中,如永不落幕的戏剧,戏剧人物轮番登场,演绎喧闹的世界,一个充满暴力与动荡不安以至于产生荒谬感的世界。而在素描这个更为微观的小剧场中,我们能看到不同于绘画大师的另一个呈现,他在素描中追求朴拙,同时也在追求卓越,在这样的图像中怎样判断古典或现代的风格呢,他既然抛弃掉了波普艺术的那套说辞,也就拒绝了一切形式主义的修辞;他既然在这个充满神话故事的地区安扎下来,早上听着教堂的钟声,夜晚可以坐在树林的边缘观赏晚霞,他可以按心中所愿随意处理任何事物,重新建立秩序。这些素描更像是一个中世纪隐士的秘密的生活碎片,他利用周围一切的细小事物,陶土瓦罐,藤叶,公鸡,小剑,泳衣——凡是手边的,目光所及的事物,它们都是重要的道具,发挥着自己的特殊属性,这个剧场里发生的一切是生动的,有机的,所有不协调的事物都会在这里配搭得和谐,就好像它们在一个神秘的规则里运转。


©HdM 画廊


如果绘画就是为了唤起那些不在场的事物的在场,马歇尔 · 雷斯仅仅是这些小型素描就已经做到了,从一张脸,一个身体,一个器物,这些背后你会联想到一些庞大复杂的事物,去想象一个虚无或实际的世界,那些想象折射的就是个人对世界的看法。观看绘画是瞬时的,但之后的联想是延时的,观察马歇尔 · 雷斯如何给他的画中人皮肤赋以颜色,是动物肉体的质感,还是年久塑像的质感,又是如何给他们的衣物和周边以色彩,那种绚烂,透着反智。要知道,马歇尔·雷斯,一个纳粹时代的幸存者,和家人深夜翻越阿尔卑斯山逃命的男孩,对世界的绝望,永存心间。所以同样选择隐居的艺术史学家约翰·伯格(Jonh Berger)曾怎样说?他说,创造,不管多么美丽,毕竟始于苦难。

我们在这些绘画中的肖像和静物中总会察觉到一丝隐隐的戏谑,可能是你无法明确判断这些面孔的 出处,无法归纳这些身姿体态透露出的社会性语言,在这样的绘画中,你在时间和历史上的经验,会被压缩和折叠,你不是非得了解16世纪的欧洲艺术史,也不必在当代艺术史中索引图释,这些图像是艺术家对周遭事物的表态,是复杂的凝结,绘画于他而言,当然无可避免地,是对时代的转译和感知,但又不是贴得过近。



                                                                                                                           (文: 鞠白玉)

©HdM 画廊



马歇尔·雷斯 1936 年生于法国高尔夫 – 如昂 – 瓦罗里斯的陶艺世家,现工作生活于法国贝尔热拉克。从上世纪 60 年代开始,他的作品受到广泛关注,曾于 1966 年、1976 年、1982 年参加威尼斯双年展,1968 年、1977 年、1992 年分别参加第四届、第六届及第九届德国卡塞尔文献展,并于 2014 年获得日本高松宫艺术大赏绘画大奖。雷斯的作品自上世纪 60 年代开始在全球多个重要艺术机构展出,其中包括:纽约现代艺术博物( MoMA)、巴黎乔治·蓬皮杜国家艺术文化中心(Le Centre national d'art et de culture Georges-Pompidou)、巴黎现代艺术博物馆(Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris )、巴黎大皇宫(Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais)、布鲁塞尔美术宫(Palais des Beaux-Arts)、慕尼黑现代艺术博物馆(Modern Art Museum, Munich )、阿姆斯特丹市立博物馆(Stedelijk Museum)等;也广泛被各地美术馆和公共机构收藏,包括:纽约现代艺术博物馆( MoMA)、华盛顿赫什霍恩博物馆和雕塑塑公园(Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C. )、布达佩斯路德维希现代艺术博物馆(Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art)、法国马赛当代艺术博物馆(Musée d'Art Contemporain Marseilles)、比利时根特国立当代艺术博物馆(S.M.A.K. Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst)、波尔图塞拉维斯当代艺术博物馆(Serralves Foundation Museum of Contemporary Art )、清华大学艺术博物馆(Tsinghua University Art Museum)等。马歇尔·雷斯 1992 年被委托设计了法国建国 200 年的国家邮票。

Exhibition: Martial Raysse

Opening: 2020.01.11 (Sat.), 16:00 - 18:00
Duration: 2020.01.11 - 03.07
Location: HdM Beijing | 798 Art District, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

HdM GALLERY Beijing is pleased to present a solo show of an important French artist Martial Raysse. The show will include more than 20 works dated from 1980s to 2019. It will open on January 1st and last until March 7th, 2020.

About the Exhibiton

“The world is a farce full of grief and joy" according to Martial Raysse. Living discretely in the countryside of Bergerac, in the southwest of France, in the depth of the forest where the morning bells chime, Martial Raysse still looks out into the world.  

In 2014, the Centre Pompidou held a retrospective exhibition celebrating 45-years anniversary of his practice for the then 78 years old Martial Raysse, for which the French newspaper Le Monde commented, "This is a painter who knows best about painting since Picasso." In fact, Matial Raysse was first enrolled in the department of literature at Nice University in 1954, and in the following year, he began to write large volumes of poetry. In 1960, as a central figure in the Nouveau-Réalisme movement, he wrote down the manifesto of the Nouveau-Réalisme on a 100 cm x 66 cm piece of paper with Yves Klein, Arman and others, thereby launched a revolutionary chapter in French contemporary art. Two years later, his installation, Raysse Beach became a classic in the French Pop Art scene. Thereon, his works expanded in the mediums of installation, collage, sculpture, theater, public art, experimental film, etc. that earned him a position in the New York art scene. It was at the peak of his practice, he resigned from Pop Art and was resolute to return to France, but not to live in Paris. He sought for a secluded plot of land in the countryside where he could return to the practice of painting. "I hope people would forget about everything I have done previously, and as of now, I am a new person, an impoverished new artist." Once he bid farewell to the Martial of the past and told the others his reasons for returning to France, Marcel Duchamp opened a drawer in his studio and showed him his secret practice – painting.  


Martial Raysse, Paulo esquisse pour Mais dites une seule parole, 32x41cm, 1994

Martial Raysse chose to lead a life in seclusion at the peak of his fame and began to work in a stone-structure studio. From the wind pierced through the forest, sweeping over the lawn and the dandelions in the courtyard, to the snow falling in the winter, there in the studio, he carried on a whisper with himself in this discrete world of his. His overview of the world has condensed into the center point, where he continued to translate the language from his heart and mind. What he contemplated and worked on there was similar to a monk’s as ascetic practices in the temples. 

The canvas became the stage on which his inner world unfolded. The figures on stage were unrelated to the definitions of the history of painting, or even the history of art. Be it his large-dimension oil paintings, or these small drawings before our eyes, we could look at them without the framework of time. He portrayed the faces, expressions, demeanors of these figures. As he continued to deepen and enrich them, these figures floated among his paintings for decades. Like a never-ending play, the players take turns to come on and off stage, acting out the hustle and bustle of the world, a violent and restless world that seems at times absurd. In portraying this subtle theatre, we could perceive a different kind of presence unlike a master of painting. His drawings aspire for simplicity as well as excellence. How would one distinguish such works from the classical or modern? Since he's left behind the set of rhetoric for Pop Art, he's also rejected everything about formalism. Having settled down in an area filled with legends, where he listens to the church bells in the morning and appreciates the setting sun by sitting at the edge of the forest at dusk, he was able to execute his objects as he pleased, thereby reestablishes the order of things. These drawings are like the fragments of a mid-century recluse' secret life. He's adopted all of the small objects around him, ceramic pottery, vines and leaves, the rooster, a small sword, bathing suit – anything the hand would reach, and eyes would see – became important props,  exhibiting their uniqueness. Everything that took place in this theatre is vital, organic, and all the awkward objects would be paired harmoniously as if they operate in an enigmatic pattern.


Martial Raysse, 18e etage, pastel on paper, 15x9.5cm, 1998

These small-dimension drawings are related to his large-scale oil paintings, and to those copper, steel and plaster sculptures large and small, the figures once again returned to the stage. As if they were headed to act in a large-scale play once they’ve done solo improvisations, to become a star or a self-fulfilling small role. These small figures often surround himself in the form of sculptures, scattered around the wall crevasse in his stone studio, at the shrine, next to the old furnace, and are carefully protected. They venerate each other through time, and over the years, they have become part of the legend of this region, and Martial Raysse was the one who created the legend. 

If painting were to call on the presence of those absent, then Martial Raysse would have already achieved it with these small drawings. From looking at a face, a body, and an object, one would associate immense and complex things with them, imagine a nihilistic or actual world which ultimately reflects the individual's view of the world. The viewing of a painting is momentary, while one's imagination hitherto can be extensive. Looking at Martial Raysse's applying colors to the skin of the protagonist on canvas is that the texture of the animal flesh or that of the long-standing sculpture, or the clothing and vicinity around them, that kind of luscious splendor defies the intellect. Furthermore, Martial Raysse, a survivor of Fascism, was a boy who crossed over the Alps with his family overnight, his despair towards the world has never left his heart. So, as the art historian John Berger, who also chose to live in seclusion, once said, “Creativity, regardless of its beauty, nevertheless originates from suffering.” 

From these portraits and still-life, we would sense a subtle playfulness. Without knowing where these faces come from, or unable to categorize the social lingo these postures convey, standing in front of these paintings, your experiences of time and history have been compressed and folded. You neither have to know about the European history of art from the 16th Century nor the visual references to the history of contemporary art, these images are the artist's attitude towards the things around them, and they embody his complex sentiments. For Raysse, painting inevitably translates one's sensibilities of this time, while without being over engaged.  

From Martial Raysse's journey in painting, one could witness his perseverance in the medium. When he held an exhibition in New York half a century later since his first, his intention was to safeguard painting – so it would never become a practice for the fools. For these drawings completed in Europe, their display in China, at an art gallery in Beijing for the Chinese viewers, the artist would believe that these works present a kind of psyche and quality, that which transcend nations, time, and historical experiences. They are works of art, drawings specifically, that have encapsulated the techniques and consciousness of the one who applied these lines and colors, completed at a certain time, and now, they confront the judgments in your heart and mind.

(Written by: Ju Baiyu)


Martial Raysse, étude pour Le lever du jour, mixed media on paper, 29.5x42cm, 2016

About the Artist

Martial Raysse was born in 1936 in Vallauris, France, to a family of ceramicists, he now works and lives in Bergerac. His works have been well known since the 1960s, and he participated in the Venice Biennales of 1966, 1976, and 1982, and also in Kassel Documenta in 1968, 1977, 1992. In 2014, he was awarded the prestigious Praemium Imperiale for Painting by the Japan Art Association. Martial Raysse was exhibited widely in numerous institutions around the word, including MoMA, Le Centre national d'art et de culture Georges-Pompidou, Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, Palais des Beaux-Arts,Modern Art Museum, Munich, Stedelijk Museum, etc. His work is included in numerous important public collections, including MoMA, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C., Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art, Musée d'Art Contemporain Marseilles, S.M.A.K. Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Serralves Foundation Museum of Contemporary Art, Tsinghua University Art Museum, etc. Moreover, Martial Raysse was commissioned to design thenational stamp of France of 200 years in 1992.


北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路 4 号 798 艺术区七星东街,100015,中国


+ 86 10-59789320

周二至周六 11:00 – 18:00


42 Conduit Street, Mayfair, London W1S 2YH


周一至周五 10:00 –18:00 



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