
展览· HdM 北京 | 胡为一个展《窗外无窗》

HDM画廊 2019-07-12

展览名称:胡为一 | 窗外无窗

开幕时间:2019 年 5 月 11 日(周六) 16:00 - 18:00

展览时间:2019 年 5 月 11 日 - 6 月 15 日

展览地点:HdM 北京 | 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路 4 号 798 艺术区七星东街

HdM GALLERY 北京空间在此很高兴地宣布,我们即将于 2019 年 5 月 11 日举办艺术家胡为一的个展《窗外无窗》。此次展览是艺术家胡为一与画廊的第一次个展合作,也是继胡为一 2015 年在尤伦斯当代艺术中心悦廊个展后,于北京的第二次个展。展览将持续至 6 月 15 日,届时将展出 10 件录像、装置及摄影作品。




胡为一,《无痕》,影像装置,95x170x20 cm,2019



胡为一,《信仰》,摄影、数码微喷、哈内姆勒纯棉硫化钡,97.5x130 cm,2019

胡为一 1990 年出生于上海,2013 年毕业于中国美术学院获得学士学位,后攻读中国美术学院跨媒体学院,于 2016 年获得硕士学位,现工作生活于上海。他的作品曾多次在国内外公共机构展出,包括苏黎世 Helmhaus 美术馆、余德耀美术馆、上海当代艺术博物馆、龙美术馆、上海 MoCA 当代艺术馆、广东时代美术馆、民生现代美术馆、中央美术学院美术馆、香港艺术中心等;并于2014年荣获第二届三亚艺术季华宇青年奖。

Exhibition: Hu Weiyi | The Window Blind

Opening: 2019.05.11 (Sat.), 16:00 - 18:00

Duration: 2019.05.11 - 06.15

Location: HdM Beijing | 798 Art District, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

HdM GALLERY Beijing Space is delighted to present our forthcoming exhibition ‘The Window Blind’, a solo show of artist Hu Weiyi. This is Hu’s first cooperation with HdM GALLERY and his second solo show in Beijing after his solo show at the UCCA. The exhibition will showcase 10 new works, including videos, installations and photographies. It will open on March 11th and last until June 15th 2019.

About the Exhibiton

Hu Weiyi’s works involve multiple facets, and he is apt at combining various media in his works, especially photography, video and installation. The works in the exhibition were all produced this year; he regards the urban space he lives in as his main source of inspiration, and he taps into the core of the cultural development of our society with a unique approach, thus making the work turn to more tridimensional and advanced social discussions.


 Hu Weiyi, Spring Breeze, photograph, ultra giclee, 40x30 cm, 2019

In this exhibition, Hu Weiyi brought everyday social scenes into his lense, including spacious buildings with half-open windows, twinkling city illuminations, aggressive traffic lights surrounded by withered tree branches, strange buildings with clothes hanging out etc.; they form ordinary yet strange urban landscapes. Landscapes that exist calmly and objectively, but are unexpectedly subjected to the forced intervention of other daily objects, such as blockage, seizure, obstruction, cleaning and so on. But these actions have no consequences, they are an end unto themselves, so that they dance with each other, like a meaningless game of vacuity. This sense of powerlessness, concomitant with nothingness, also reflects the existential state of each individual in the city. People endure a power that can integrate a rule and a standardized lifestyle, though they are not capable of suppressing their inner desire. The city is a mixture of power and desire, which makes it impossible for each living individual to be rid of the gravitational pull of these two poles. It is an exhausted urban dance in which each living object is involved, and becomes an indispensable interconnection of the hierarchy, systematically exporting itself to the same process. Hu Weiyi’s creations are based on such a tension of contradictions and tears: he presents a grotesque modern city fable by capturing the living posture of different objects in the city, thus incorporating his private desire on high-rise buildings.

Hu Weiyi, born in 1990 in Shanghai, graduated from the China Academy of Art in 2013 with a bachelor’s degree, then studied at the School of Intermedia Art, the China Academy of Art, and received a master's degree in 2016. He now lives and works in Shanghai. His work has been exhibited by numerous institutions and galleries including The Helmhaus Zürich, Yuz Museum, Power Station of Art, Long Museum, MoCA Shanghai, Guang Dong Times Museum, Minsheng Art Museum, CAFA Art Museum, Hong Kong Arts Centre, etc. He was nominated for the 2nd Art Sanya Huayu Youth Award in 2014.


北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路 4 号 798 艺术区七星东街,100015,中国


+ 86 10-59789320

周二至周六 11:00 – 18:00


42 Conduit Street, Mayfair, London W1S 2YH


周一至周五 10:00 –18:00 



