
HDM资讯 | HDM画廊即将推出潘小荣个展——《灰》

HdM GALLERY 2024-03-10



《2013-16》,卡纸墨汁,90 x 90 cm, 2013

2013-17》,卡纸墨汁,120 x 180 cm, 2013

《2015-18》,卡纸墨汁,90 x 90 cm,2015



在过去的几年中,潘小荣在国内举办过多次个展,其中包括在杭州和维画廊,上海 Am Art Center、上海M艺术空间与上海喜玛拉雅美术馆。他也曾参加过众多国际性群展,如:《大草稿 - 上海 乌里希克收藏展》,伯尔尼美术馆(瑞士)和《七个年轻艺术家联展》,北京公社, 《(Mis)Perception》,Paul Freches画廊(法国)。2016年他参加了Hadrien de Montferrand画廊在巴塞尔艺术展香港展会中推出的《新几何抽象》主题展。

潘小荣 - 灰


展览地点:Hadrien de Montferrand画廊 | 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号(798艺术区)七星东街(AT CAFÉ隔壁二楼)

 Rationalism thoughts represent the core of my creations of the last 8 years. If I have to analyze myself I'd say that my creation process responds to the circumstances in my life.  I chose cardboards as main material and the instruments I use are a knife and a ruler. Knives and cardboards are polar opposites, one is hard, the other is soft. It is relation between opposites that interested me in the first place. At times I add washes of ink to add power that comes from natural change. Furthermore those creations cannot be recreated by machines or duplicated artificially. Naturally, I believe that a handmade artwork is a must-have. —— Pan Xiaorong

Previous artworks of Pan Xiaorong

2013-16, ink on cardboard, 90 x 90 cm, 2013

2013-17, ink on cardboard, 120 x 180 cm, 2013

2015-18, ink on cardboard, 90 x 90 cm, 2015

About the Artist

Born in Yichun (Jiangxi Province, China) in 1985, Pan Xiaorong is currently living and working in Shanghai. In 2004 he moved to Xi'an to study at the Oil Painting Department of the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, from which he graduated in 2008. Before establishing his own studio in Shanghai, he studied for more than six years under Ding Yi .

In the last few years he has held various solo exhibitions across China, including at Hangzhou's HDM Gallery, and Shanghai's Am Art Center, M Art Center, and Himalayas Museum of Art. Pan Xiaorong's work has also been part of international group exhibitions such as “Big Draft”, Shanghai Contemporary Art from the Sigg Collection by the Museum of Fine Arts in Berne (Switzerland) and “Seven Young Artists” by Beijing Commune, “(Mis)Perception” by Galerie Paul Freches (Paris). In 2016 he participated in Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery's thematic exhibition “New Geometrical Abstractions” for Art Basel Hong Kong.

Pan Xiaorong - Grey

Opening: April 30, 2016

Location: Hadrien de Montferrand Gallery | 798 Art District, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing


七星东街(AT CAFÉ隔壁二楼),100015, 中国


+ 86 10-59789320




杭州:王小双 - 城域

Current exhibition

Beijing: Drawings by Modern Masters

Hangzhou: Wang Xiaoshuang - Urban Boundary 


HDM资讯 | HDM画廊即将推出潘小荣个展——《灰》


