
展讯 | 「凹 凸」Another One 陈末 大风吹 冯依伦 施逸群 群展

ShunART 熏依社画廊 2022-12-25

凹 凸

Another One

陈末 CHEN Mo

大风吹 Gypsy

冯依伦 FENG Yilun

施逸群 SHI Yiqun

展览时间 | Duration

2022.2.26 - 2022.4.10

(11:00 - 19:00,周一闭馆 Closed on Monday)

展览开幕 | Opening

2022.2.26 (周六) 4pm-7pm

陈末 CHEN Mo | 有关个体与时间的边界关系 | Oil on Canvas, Metal | 100×150cm | 2021


大风吹 Gypsy | 无题 Untitled | White glue, Paper, Paint, Marker | 33×18cm | 2018



冯依伦 FENG Yilun | 云 | 哈姆勒纯棉硫化钡相纸 | 20×30cm Image size, 30×40cm Frame size, ED20 | 2019



施逸群 SHI Yiqun | 她苏醒时 Awaking | Oil pastel on wood | 40×60cm | 2020

现在世界人口70亿中,Generation Z的人口为19亿,约占人口比例为三分之一。他们生来就与IT打交道,也叫电子IT一代。这群人的日常生活与微信,Instagram, YouTube, TikTok等为原风景,与互联网盘根错节生长的他们很难想象脱离互联网的生活。但人的复杂性,越多越快带来的反坠感,文化经济兴盛宏大的影子下总是带着诗意的空洞。不乏自我认知下慢下来的人,不乏甚至背离人群而驰往回走的人。最终可能也并无前后之分。


大风吹 Gypsy | 有光的世界 World with light | White glue, Shredded paper, Newspaper, Fiberglass mesh, toner, Acrylic | 77×133cm | 2020


冯依伦 FENG Yilun | 主人与狗 | 哈姆勒纯棉硫化钡相纸 | 20×30cm Image size, 30×40cm Frame size, ED20 | 2020

凹凸很简单且形象的像两块拼图,拼接起来无缝合为一体,其实原本就是一整块,而边界是分离心自我定义出来的,无论这个Another one呈现出什么模样,都是同一。就好比这次群展的四位年轻艺术家,每个人都有其独特的风貌,但作为一个整体群展呈现时,自我表达归宿到本源,其实是同一种语言。我们希望这个世界是你中有我,我中有你的。作为一个个体,我们面对的任何一个他人,何尝不是可以照见另一个自己。



施逸群 SHI Yiqun | 裸 NUDE Ⅵ | Watercolour on paper | 18×26cm | 2020

一个“漫游者”的状态,是现代城市的记叙者和观察者漫游,也是一种陈述内心声音的策略,也是现代城市的记叙者和观察者,他们是将城市景观,真实和虚拟世界作为乐园的人,带着享受乐园的单纯心性,一种无目标的无动机的,无因的反叛,仅受其感官所驱使。完美的漫游者也是一个热情的旁观者,人和人群是他们的重要元素,在人头窜动的浪潮中,在无休止的游离之中,他们建立了一个自我的栖息地。冯依伦的摄影里,那瞬间的光与影,人和环境,一种绝妙的诗意与失意。 而施逸群的作品的热烈浪漫下总是露出的微微狡黠是他探寻another one时的独有目光。

大风吹 Gypsy | 奇迹与向奇迹发问者 Wonder and Wonderer | White glue, Shredded paper, Newspaper, Fiberglass mesh, toner, Acrylic | 85×153cm | 202


如同流浪的灵魂寻觅寄居,漫游者亦会进入任何其意欲进入的他者躯壳,自我有时也是“他者”,是为寻找“another one” 也是为个人主义的”凹凸“。




陈末 CHEN Mo | 有关“时间,空间,人”的三联画|Oil on Canvas | 95×65cm×3 | 2020



 陈末 CHEN Mo | 有关“分裂”的状态|Oil on Canvas | 100×80cm | 2020





冯依伦 FENG Yilun | 罗马时代的教堂后门 | 哈姆勒纯棉硫化钡相纸 | 20×30cm Image size, 30×40cm Frame size, ED20 | 2020

The title of the exhibition “Another One" comes from the Outsider mentioned by the curatorial team during the discussion. When the epidemic swept through, the artists both facing and turning back to the surroundings, returned to China, and the brand new circle and state. The vibrant creativity is ready to emerge from their bodies, the desire to express is as strong as the pain of aspiring to be recognized, intentionally or spontaneously, the sharp and soft positive-negative spaces, the collision of strong colors, the powerless and high-pitched echoes, the exploration of time-space of the finite and the infinite, plays in a melody that is both contradictory and harmonious in their works.

施逸群 SHI Yiqun | 时时勤拂拭 | OIL PASTEL ON PAPER | 33×24cm | 2020

What is inside? What about outside? The vocabulary constructs an invisible boundary, which is between this world and out of the world, between peoples, between matters, and between the real and the virtual. In fact, we can split things with a boundary. It is a bit like the gear-like language of Gypsy, also like Chen Mo weaving time-space into a web. What they want to say is: Is there really such a boundary?

大风吹 Gypsy | 无题 Untitled | Mixed media on wood board | 70×45cm | 2018


Hard to say since when, the names of different generations in China are post-60s, post-70s, post-80s, post-90s, and post-00s. 10 years is a unit of different generations. In European and American terms, 20 years is usually used as a unit. Generation X refers to people born in the 1960s and 1970s, usually characterized by a tendency of individualism; Generation Y is a group of people born in the 1980s and 1990s, and their values are usually more inclined to liberalism; and Generation Z grew up with the Internet world. Generations in Japan are divided into the clump generation, the Bubble Generation (born in the 1960s), the Employment Ice Age Generation (born in the 1970s and 1980s), the Relaxed Education Generation (born from 1987 to 2004), and the Z generation (born after 2005). Japanese standard of division is inclined to the socio-political and economic backdrop.


陈末 CHEN Mo | 孔雀宫 · 春 | Oil on Wood | 60×45cm | 2019

Among the world's 7 billion people, Generation Z has 1.9 billion people, accounting for about one-third of the population. They are born with IT, also known as the electronic IT generation. The daily life of this generation is inseparable from WeChat, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc., and it is difficult for them to imagine a life without the Internet. However, the complexity of human beings,  the sense of reversal brought by this getting faster and faster, the shadow of cultural and economic prosperity is always filled with poetic emptiness. There are many people who slow down under self-awareness, and there are people who even run away from the crowd and go back. In the end, there may be no distinction between before and after.


冯依伦 FENG Yilun | 暴风雨来临前的灯塔 | 哈姆勒纯棉硫化钡相纸 | 20×30cm Image size, 30×40cm Frame size, ED20 | 2020

Even in the era of rapid consumption and information overload, they have gone through satisfying journeys and possessed the cheers of lonely people. They are also "dissonant, weird, abrupt" in it. To become another self, pay attention to language, pay attention to behavior, pay attention to limit, pay attention to morality, pay attention to what you need to pay attention to. The “self and another self” is also unique and has nothing to do with the outside.


施逸群 SHI Yiqun | 天使 ANGEL | Oil Pastel on Paper | 30×21cm | 2021

The concave and convex are very simple and vivid images like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. When spliced together, they are seamlessly integrated into one. In fact, they are originally a whole piece, and the boundary is defined by self-definition. Just like the four young artists in this group exhibition, each of them has their own style, but when presented as a whole group exhibition, self-expression goes to its origin, which is actually the same language. We hope our world could be “You have me, I have you”. As an individual, when we face any other person, we can see another self.


大风吹 Gypsy | 缝合的伤口 Woven Wound | White glue, Shredded paper, Newspaper, Fiberglass mesh, Toner, Acrylic | 92×92cm | 2020

The state of "roamer" could be narrator and observer wandering in the modern city, a strategy for expressing inner voices. The narrator and observer take the urban landscape, and the real and virtual worlds as a paradise with a pure heart to enjoy it, which is purposeless, unmotivated, uncaused rebellion, driven only by his senses. The perfect roamer is also an enthusiastic bystander, crowds are their important element, in endless wandering, they establish their own habitat. In Feng Yilun's photography, the momentary light and shadow, people and environment, weave into wonderful poetry and disappointment. And Shi Yiqun's works always show a slight cunning under the warm romance, which is his unique look when he is looking for “another one”.

施逸群 SHI Yiqun | 裸 NUDE Ⅴ | Watercolour on paper | 26×18cm | 2020

Just as a wandering soul seeks a sojourn, roamer will also enter any other body that he wishes to enter. The self is sometimes the "other", seeking "another one”, It is also for individualistic "concave and convex”.

For Benjamin, the environment of the modern city evokes memories of the past, not simply nostalgia, but critical knowledge. A shared collective space in which the conscious and the unconscious, past and present, all meet, and present between the constantly flowing present and the visible and weighted past.

冯依伦 FENG Yilun | 远离海岸的船 | 哈姆勒纯棉硫化钡相纸 | 20×30cm Image size, 30×40cm Frame size, ED20 | 2021

This is an era in which behavior is ahead and the system lags behind. From the Internet to digital currency, to NFT and Metaverse, changes in the world quietly entered our lives when the whole world was swept by the epidemic. In the vague understanding, people are afraid that they will not be able to catch up with this wave, and rush to this brand-new train, but do not know where the train will go. It's also a ridiculous time. It's psychedelic, contradictory, and absurd. We cannot escape. And all of these also wander freely and willfully in artists’ works.


陈末 CHEN Mo | 有关“第0日”的三联画(no.2) | Oil on Canvas | 95×65cm×3 | 2020

Unconsciously, people in the Z era have vigorously been expressing the confusion, excitement, and silence that the era suddenly brought to them. In the world of Metaverse, can the real you and the real me, my Avatar and your Avatar, be able to make friends with each other? Everything is just beginning, whether it is fear or fun, depends on how you face it. A "concave and convex" space and time.

- The End - 

大风吹 Gypsy | 无题 Untitled | Mixed media on wood board | 70×45cm | 2018



陈末 | CHEN Mo(b.1994)


出生于中国福建省漳州市2017年获意大利威尼斯美术学院绘画系学士学位2021年获巴黎第一大学-先贤祠-索邦大学造型艺术硕士学位曾从事第56届威尼斯双年艺术展布展工作曾工作于法国中法艺术交流协会上海点子碰撞文化创意有限公司创始人现生活工作于上海 Born in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, China. 2017, Obtained a bachelor's degree in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, Italy2021, Obtained a master's degree in plastic arts from the University of Paris 1, FranceWorked in The 56th La Biennale di Venezia in charge of exhibition installationWorked for L’Association Sino-Française d’échange d’art, Paris, FranceFounder of Art Meets Ideas Currently lives and works in Shanghai.

大风吹 | Gypsy(b.1996)


出生于中国山西省太原市2018年毕业于中国江苏大学环境工程专业现工作生活于上海环境工程专业的大风吹以全然的艺术热忱为驱动,从大学期间开始,在短短几年内,自发创作了上百件风格鲜明的原创作品。其作品类型跨越绘画,装置,行为,影像,服装设计等多个领域,以人与自然的形态为突破口,在爱、自由与死亡的母题下进行极具生命力的尝试。 Born in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, ChinaGraduated from Jiangsu University majoring in environmental engineering, ChinaCurrently lives and works in ShanghaiMajoring in environmental engineering, Gypsy is driven by relentless artistic passion and desire, and spontaneously created hundreds of original works with distinctive styles in just a few years since college. His works span multiple fields such as painting, installation, performance, video, and costume design, taking the morphology of humans and nature as breakthroughs, and making vigorous attempts under the theme of love, freedom, and death.

冯依伦 | FENG Yilun(b.1994)


出生于中国宁夏回族自治区银川市毕业于意大利佛罗伦萨比松特版画学院现生活工作于上海独立摄影师,暗房制作者,试图回到十九世纪影像开端的时代,通过手工制作光敏盐定影等多种来自意大利的暗房工艺,捕捉流逝中沉淀的光影。时空在其作品中从客观转为主观,舒展的画面流动着呼吸的节律,一次次回到记忆的起点。 Born in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, ChinaGraduated from Fondazione Il Bisonte: Printmaking school in Florence, ItalyCurrently works and lives in ShanghaiFeng Yilun, an independent photographer and darkroom maker, through hand-made photosensitive salt fixing and a variety of darkroom techniques from Italy, tries to return to the era of the beginning of photos in the 19th century and captures the light and shadow that precipitates in the passage of time. In his works, time and space change from objective to subjective, and the stretched pictures flow with the rhythm of breathing, returning to the starting point of memory again and again. 

施逸群 | SHI Yiqun(b.1994)


出生于中国上海2015年游学法国南特大西洋设计学院作品《绿林》《黑夜男子》《罗马斗兽场》留校, 作品《我》参展金晶石油画肖像展2017年毕业于上海大学(现上海美术学院)油画系2018年游学意大利佛罗伦萨美术学院 NUOVO LINGUAGGIO DI PITTURA – Corsi Singoli2020年游学意大利佛罗伦萨比松特版画学院 Fondazione Il Bisonte: Printmaking school in Florence


Born in Shanghai, China. 2015  Studied at Nantes Atlantic School of Design, Nantes, FranceWorks "Green Forest", "Man in the Night" and "Colosseum" collected by the schoolWork "Me" participated in JIN JINSHI Oil Painting Portrait Exhibition2017 Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Shanghai University (Currently called Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts), Shanghai, China. 2018 Studied at Florence Academy of Fine Arts, NUOVO LINGUAGGIO DI PITTURA – Corsi Singoli, Florence, Italy. 2020  Studied at Fondazione Il Bisonte: Printmaking school in Florence, Italy.



   Current Exhibition

熏依社 · 东京|Shun Art Gallery · Tokyo





展览时间|Duration2022.2.11 - 2022.3.2012:00 - 19:00 周一闭馆 Closed on Monday

相馬正和 个展

Masakazu Soma

展览时间|Duration2022.2.11 - 2022.3.2012:00 - 19:00 周一闭馆 Closed on Monday

