
展讯 |「倒计时」——赛璐璐收藏展

ShunART 熏依社画廊


tik tok, tik tok...

Japanese Animation Cel-ga

展览时间 | Duration

2020.12.12(周六)- 2021.1.24(周日)

(12:00 - 20:00,周一闭馆 Closed on Monday)

展览开幕 | Opening

2020.12.12(周六) 4pm-7pm

熏依社画廊 · Shun Art Gallery

地址 | Address

200031 上海市 徐汇区 复兴中路1363弄3号108室

Room 108, No.3, Lane 1363, Middle Fuxing Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China 200031

来自《名侦探柯南》 from "Case Closed (Detective Conan)" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 24×27cm
セル画 | 原画 · 动画



来自《铁臂阿童木》 from "Astro Boy" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 23×27cm

JAPAN ANIMATION动漫次文化在今日的影响似乎也有相似之处。村上隆、奈良美智以及之后的加藤泉,乃至小林麻衣子在当代艺术领域的活跃,其作品的形象究其源流确是深受动漫文化的影响。甚至于KAWS,中国的刘野以及其他新生代当代艺术家当中也有不少动漫的影子。

来自《美少女战士》 from "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 24×26cm
而关于早期日本动漫制作就不得不提赛璐璐,赛璐璐是发明于美国最早期制作动画的一种工艺,指的是Celluloid Nitrate,传入日本后随日漫发扬光大。日语里的セル即CELL,是一种用合成树脂制作的透明胶片,将动漫形象直接画在胶片上,背景画在纸上,重叠移动使得动画效果更加逼真具有空间感。

来自《哆啦A梦》 from "Doraemonp" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 24×27cm


来自《名侦探柯南》 from "Case Closed (Detective Conan)" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 23×27cm

セル画 | 原画 · 动画

2019年5月至8月在大英博物馆的“The Citi Exhibition Manga”更应是史上最大规模的动漫展,展期来馆人数高达18万人。各大拍卖行的赛璐璐拍卖成绩也不断引起大家的关注。2014年巴黎的拍卖会上,比利时漫画家埃尔热的《丁丁历险记》双页墨水原画以265万欧元的高价成交;同年美国漫画《超人》的创刊号在E-bay网上拍卖成交价竟高达320万美金,成为当时有史以来最贵的漫画,也许带动了整个漫画收藏业风靡的开始。日本动漫的赛璐璐「セル画」近年在全球的流行也相继引起市场的关注和重视。

来自《哆啦A梦》 from "Doraemonp" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 23×27cm

随着数字动画的不断普及,现如今动漫制作因为软件的发达和制作成本的考量,赛璐璐动画制作逐渐退出市场,其在国际艺术市场上的价值便浮现出来。苏富比香港2019年秋拍上,《Pocket Monster》赛璐璐竞得HKD93,750,手冢治虫的《铁臂阿童木-火鸟》原画原稿,宫崎骏原画原稿也先后创出拍卖高价,在日本当代艺术的市场份额和动漫原画的市场份额几乎同额。

自《名侦探柯南》 from "Case Closed (Detective Conan)" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 24×35cm

セル画 | 原画 · 动画


来自《名侦探柯南》 from "Case Closed (Detective Conan)" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 24×35cm


来自《哆啦A梦》 from "Doraemonp" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 24×31cm

セル画 | 原画 · 动画


—— Shun 写于朱家角工作室

来自《阿尔卑斯山的少女海蒂》 from "Heidi, Girl of the Alp" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 22×30cm

Tik Tok, Tik Tok, Tik Tok…

- A Japaness Animation Cel-Ga Collectibles Exhibition

The young artists of the 19th century in the West were heavily influenced by Japanese Ukiyo-e paintings, the result was the birth of Impressionism. Artworks of Monet, Manet, Degas, Renoir, Pizarro, Gauguin, and other masters of that period all could be found the traces of Ukiyo-e, those of portraying the Japanese daily lives. Ukiyo-e paintings were widely spread in the last half of the 19th century in Europe. It began at the World's Fair in Paris and major exhibitions of the motifs and subjects were held in various countries, leading to the unprecedented JAPONISME fever and the firing interests of Orientalism. The "oriental aesthetics" had an unprecedented impact on different artworks styles like traditional European portraiture, figurative painting, and even the whole artists’ salon system.

来自《美少女战士》 from "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 22×27cm

In comparison, today JAPAN ANIMATION (anime sub-culture)  seems to have similarities in the influencing strength as well. Takashi Murakami, Yoshitomo Nara, and later Izumi Kato, and even Maiko Kobayashi, those artists who are very active in the contemporary art world, the images were strongly influenced by anime culture. Therefore, you can even found the traits of animes in the works of KAWS, Liu Ye, or other new generation contemporary artists.

来自《名侦探柯南》 from "Case Closed (Detective Conan)" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 24×33cm

セル画 | 原画 · 动画

Speaking of the earliest stages of animation production, there is one name that can’t be ignored –  “Celluloid Nitrate”, which was a technique invented in the United States then enter Japan and widely applied. The Japanese word “セル”, a.k.a the “Cell”, is a transparent film made of synthetic resin, in which the image of the anime is drawn directly onto the film while the background was printed on the paper. Overlapping movements would amplify the effects and made it more spacey.

来自《福星小子》 from "The Return of Lum Urusei Yatsura" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 25×35cm

In order to make the works vivid, there are 8 to 24 celluloid “セル画” needed per second. Colors or shadows were usually painted as simple as they could so the huge among of works can be done efficiently, which were known as "anime paintings". The main colored parts were painted on the back of transparencies with specialist pigments and a thick layer of paint was usually applied to enhance the aesthetics of photoing. Celluloid is usually available in two sizes, one is smaller for TV shows and the other larger one is made for theatrical releases, it would usually requiring an extra-large version for the scene conversion.

来自《樱桃小丸子》 from "Chibi Maruko-chan" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 25×29cm

セル画 | 原画 · 动画

“The Citi Exhibition Manga" at the British Museum held from May to August in 2019 was the largest exhibition about anime in history with many 180,000 visitors. Sale records created from different auction houses also drew people’s attention. In 2014, the original double-page ink drawing of “The Adventures of Tintin” by the Belgian cartoonist Elger was sold at auction in Paris for €2.65 million; in the same year, the first issue of the American comic “Superman” sold for as much $3.2 million at an eBay auction, recording the most expensive comic book ever sold at that time. Perhaps from that moment, it signed the nearing peak on the entire anime collecting industry and the global popularity of celluloid painting “Japanese animation Cel-Ga" has also ignited the market in recent years.

来自《名侦探柯南》 from "Case Closed (Detective Conan)" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 24×35cm

As digital animation continues to grow the celluloid-produced animations are now withdrawn from the market due to the maturity usage of computer software or the consideration of the cost. Then their value of collecting in the international art market started to surface. At Sotheby's Hong Kong Autumn 2019 auction, the original celluloid drawings of “Pocket Monster”, sold for HKD93,750. Then the original drawings of “Astro Boy - Firebird” by Osamu Tezuka and Hayao Miyazaki’s also sold at very high prices on the same auction. In Japan, the market share of the original anime drawings is even with its regional contemporary art sector.

来自《名侦探柯南》 from "Case Closed (Detective Conan)" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 24×27cm

セル画 | 原画 · 动画

There are two parts of “Cel-Ga” and one is the original drawing and the other is animated celluloid film. The original drawing was drawn by pencil and occasionally colored, and there would leave some traces of handwritten proofreading instructions or shadow traces. The preservation of these traces of the original is the most important and valuable material which lets us witness the birth of the anime.

来自《铁臂阿童木》 from "Astro Boy" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 24×27cm

At the end of the year and before Christmas, we are organizing an exhibition of Japanese Animation Cel-Ga collectibles. Though the original work, we hope to let you see the marks of cultural development through early craftsmanship and recall our childhood memories of anime. Would it be a collective memory that transcends all generations?

2020 is a year of turmoils, but it is also focusing us to ponder about our relationship with nature, humanity, or culture, and alert us to innovate based on the truth and value.

- Shun, wrote at the Zhujiajiao Studio

来自《阿尔卑斯山的少女海蒂》 from "Heidi, Girl of the Alp" | 赛璐璐 Celluloid | 20×28cm

交通 | Traffic

● 的士 By Taxi

复兴中路靠近宝庆路 克莱门公寓

The Gellery is on the Middle Fuxing Road near Baoqing Road,.

● 地铁 By Subway

地铁1,7号线 常熟路站 徒步8分钟    

Line 1, 7: Changshu Rd. Station, Walk from Exit 6/7.

● 公交 By Bus

NO.15, 49, 96, 198, 315, 824, 830, 927 宝庆路淮海中路

Baoqing Road Middle Huaihai Road. 


